Tuesday, October 20, 2009

2009 VA Summers Sports Clinic

Every year we are privileged to take a bunch of our recently injured vets kayaking in the annual summer sports clinic. Knowing what these proud americans have done for our country has given me a new respect for the men and women that put there lives on the line for the rest of us. I feel so honored to help these guys in any way that I can. It is amazing to watch them be able to enjoy the sports that I am so passionate about. Here are some photos from the event. So inspirational...

Purple heart leading his team in the opening ceremony of the event.

Ron Lane leading the Pack

At the event all the guys play an on the water football game. This is one of the raddest things to watch. Kayaks crashing into each other, people falling out and smiles on every face.

In this photo Ron is getting this guy ready for the on the water kayak football game. The interesting thing about this man is that he is blind. Talk about a tear jerker... This guy sacrificed his eye sight for our country. So as Ron put this guy in the kayak the challenges of kayaking were evident let alone playing football on a kayak. With some coaching he was able to complete some catches and make some passes to fellow team mates. To see the smile of his face and the joy of accomplishing a feat such as this was amazing.

These are the VA members who put this on... Thanks Duffy and Sandy for allowing us to be apart of such and amazing event.

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