Monday, September 28, 2009

The Power of the Pro Angler

Here's a little bit of what the Pro Angler can do. Proven and tested by Jared Lane. Haha.

Thresher Shark

38lb. White Sea Bass

Fresh Water Bass fishing. This is me and Dustin on the same Pro Angler fishing a pond. Worked killer.

You can stand up and fish! This will change the sport.

Yellowtail on your Kayak

The first yellowtail I ever caught from a kayak sent a rush of adrenaline into my body that has now hooked me for life. There is something great about a stealthy, queit kayak that gives the sport a unique and very enjoyable feeling. There's no gas or motors involved and more importantly they don't make any noise. Here are a few clips that might show some of the perks of fishing from a kayak.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

21 miles across the sea!

Mission: Sail the Hobie Mirage Islands from Long Beach to Catalina
Plan: Camp on the island and play all day.
Activities: Fishing, spear fishing, and stand up paddling.
Food: Chili, Campers freeze dried food, and whatever we could catch.
Equipment: The Sailing yaks, hand held GPS and VHF Radio, Compass, PFD

The Launch

Day 1
We launched from Cabrillo Beach with much anticipation with no idea of how this trip was going to go. There are so many things to take into consideration when you embark on any ocean going voyage. With all of the safety precautions covered I felt pretty confident that we would make it. As we left the beach the conditions were calm and foggy. Not ideal conditions for sailing a small craft 21 miles. As we made our way off shore the sun came through the fog and a light but steady wind picked up. We were able to make a slow stead pace towards the island.

Here are some of the things we did along the way...

Day 2 & 3
We made it. It was an easy ride to the island. Not fast, but very enjoyable. It took 6 1/2 hours due to the light winds. While we were on the island we were highly equipped with the worlds best water toys. We had two Hobie stand up paddle boards and a bunch of fishing gear. There was an awesome little kelp bed next to our camp spot with tons of little fish in it. We used the stand up boards and the kayaks to get over to it and do some diving. There were all types of pirch in the kelp that we made into some delicious meals.

One of the highlights of the trip was the tipi that we made out of the sails from the boats. It was a little windy this night and the sails gave us some shelter as the stand up board acted as our table for the delicious meal that we enjoyed.

WE MADE IT!!!!!!

For a three day vacation, this was one of the most fun, and affordable things we could have done.
For more questions call us at 619-222-0766 or email